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Greater Lafayette Hiking/Biking Trails

There are many great spots throughout the Greater Lafayette, IN area to enjoy the outdoors, but one key way to really live it up.. trails! We have so many, and they’re all unique in their own way. Trails add to the community, and even the West Lafayette community infrastructure (through mayor, John Dennis) names these reasons as trail development benefits:

  • “Trails benefit the economy: Studies have shown that trails attract businesses to communities, boost tourism, and increase property values.
  • Trails improve safe and clean transportation opportunities: With the increasing concern over our environment and the cost of fuel, more people than ever are looking for alternative ways to travel. By design, trails separate cyclists and pedestrians from vehicular traffic. Trail users can get where they’re going quickly and safely.
  • Trails benefit our overall health: Trails provide an excellent opportunity to experience nature and relax while exercising. Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduces stress. Increased physical activity will also reduce the chances of problems from heart disease, cancer, and obesity and will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.”

So whether you’re looking to maintain health goals, cut back on gas cost, or just simply enjoy where you live, here are the places to check out throughout the Greater Lafayette, IN community.

Parks with Trails

Many Greater Lafayette, IN parks hold miles and miles of trail fun! Here’s a quick guide to some local parks, but otherwise, start with these!

Additionally here’s a link to the West Lafayette Trail Guide. It details West Lafayette‘s park selection and lists each one’s amenities.

Additional Trail Options

These are the big guns. Bikers and Hikers looking for some change in scenery should explore these options.

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