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Home Closing Checklist for Sellers

When you finalize with a buyer on your home or vacate it to move, you’ll need to ensure you have completed everything you are supposed to—from negotiated terms to good seller etiquette. There are certain things that every responsible seller should do, and you can make sure you accomplish them all if you make a home-selling checklist.

You may already have gathered all of the paperwork you need for closing day, but there are a few other tasks to handle before you get to the closing table.

Secure Your Documents

Retain all seller disclosures as well as the purchase contract and the closing statement. Ideally, your escrow officer or closing agent will hand you a complete package containing all these things at closing. Sometimes these documents get scattered. Do your best to keep them in one location, as you might need them again in case something happens.

Clean the Entire House

If you don’t have time to personally clean the home before leaving it, hire a professional cleaning service to do so. What makes a house clean enough is often a matter of opinion and personal preference. It’s not always necessary to shampoo the carpets, but it’s a nice touch. Clean the cabinets, refrigerators, and other appliances inside and out. Be sure to check inside drawers and cabinets.

It doesn’t hurt to make your last impression on the buyer a good one with little touches like polishing sink fixtures. Leave your home the way you would like to find it if you were the buyer.

Turn Off All Switches

Turn off all switches for lights and fans. Leave a note for the buyers with any special instructions or features that they may have difficulty using.

The Final Walkthrough

Place a packet of appliance manuals, service contracts, warranties, etc and place them in a drawer for the new homeowners to see during their final walkthrough of the house. Leave any special instructions about quirks of the home that only the previous property owner would know. You can also pass on these tips to your agent or at the final closing—things like which replacing furnace filters, accessing the clean-out, whether a door sticks or how to change the swimming pool filter.

Cancel Your Insurance Policies

Make a note to cancel homeowner’s insurance after the closing is complete and the title has been transferred or the deed recorded. You should receive a refund of any prepaid premiums for your homeowner’s insurance.

Close Accounts

Cancel the utilities and stop the newspaper. Make a list of phone numbers for each of your utility and entertainment companies in advance. Keep in mind that not every utility is always paid monthly. You might have a refund coming, have to pay a balance, or be able to transfer the balance to your next home.

Necessary Incidentals

Leave all house keys, remotes, gate keys, pool keys, and mailbox keys for the new owner. The buyers will probably change the locks, but this won’t happen the instant they move in. Put them in a kitchen drawer or other location that is easily found.

Assemble a packet of appliance manuals, receipts, and any warranties as well. You might have come across manuals for the HVAC, security system, sprinkler system, or appliances as you were packing. If you have receipts from contractors, warranties, and termite inspections put them into an envelope and leave them in a drawer as well, along with the manuals and the code for the security alarm.

Don’t Leave Anything Behind

Run one more check even if your spouse or friend says they’ve gone through every room with a fine-tooth comb, searching for anything you might have overlooked.

Lock up on Your Way Out

Close the blinds, and lock the windows and doors. You’d be amazed at how many people forget to close up the house. It is especially important to lock up if the home is going to be vacant for a while. Consider leaving an inexpensive lamp behind on a timer.

Change Your Address

Don’t forget to let everyone know where you’ve gone. Submit a change-of-address form to the post office, but remember that not all mail can be forwarded. You might have to reach out directly to some entities to give them your new address.

For up-to-date information on YOUR Indiana area neighborhood or a FREE Seller Consultation – call The Romanski Group at (765) 293.9200.  Using an experienced team is the way to get your home ‪SOLD‬! You deserve the BEST Realtor in the Lafayette Indiana area!

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