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Labor Day Around Greater Lafayette Indiana

Labor Day is Monday, September 6th, 2021. The majority of the Greater Lafayette, IN area will be off school and work, and it’s always a fun day to celebrate and pay tribute to American’s work force. In one way or another, Labor Day might mark the end of summer for you! It’s been an amazing one for the books, that’s for sure! Here are a couple of ways to spend it in the Greater Lafayette, IN area.

If you’re interested in how Labor Day came to be, the U.S. Department of Labor has an impressive layout of its history and morph into a holiday. Click here to view more information!

Lafayette Citizen’s BandRiehle Plaza

Enjoy this annual Labor Day event. Bring lawn chairs with you downtown to Riehle Plaza and view this free show! You’ll love seeing the Citizen’s Band play!

Labor Day Weekend Free Family DayColumbian Park

“Join us in Columbian Park for a day of fun on Saturday, September 4, featuring FREE pedal boat rides, FREE train rides, FREE zoo admission, FREE live music by Scott Greeson & Trouble with Monday, food trucks, and more! This event is in conjunction with the Northwest Indiana Labor Council’s annual Laborers Day Picnic.”

This is part of “Labor Day in the Park” hosted by the City of Lafayette. Be sure to stop by the new and striking Loeb Field too while you’re visiting the park!

Purdue Kick Off Bash

Purdue Football kicks off on Labor Day weekend! Check out the entire day surrounding the Oregon St. football game! First Friday, Mosey Down main St, the Greater Lafayette, IN Farmer’s Market and so much more are part of this fun event!

There are still a few warm days before winter sets in to full gear. So be sure to enjoy the outdoors for all they have to offer in the Greater Lafayette, IN area. Try camping at one of the beautiful Indiana State Parks this Fall, one of which we have right in our neck of the woods! Or if you can’t make it to the “free Columbian Park Day”, be sure to take a stroll around the newly updated Columbian Park! Purdue Football games and other sports’ starts are right around the corner.

For up-to-date information on YOUR Indiana area neighborhood or a FREE Seller Consultation – call The Romanski Group at (765) 293.9300.  Using an experienced team is the way to get your home ‪SOLD‬! You deserve the BEST Realtor in the Lafayette Indiana area!

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