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Purdue Memorial Union

Lafayette and West Lafayette, IN proudly hold Purdue University as part of the community. Here since 1869, this public university feeds our area jobs, and it holds deep historical value within the Greater Lafayette, IN circle. Currently, according to US News, “Purdue’s undergrad enrollment sits at ~ 33,500 students on its 2,468 acre campus.” If only John Purdue and the original crew would’ve known what it would become today! One staunch piece of Purdue Universty’s history is the Purdue Memorial Union. PMU is one of the most striking buildings on campus. Loaded with fun things to see and do, PMU is a must see when you get here to tour the campus. Here’s a small list of its amenities and attributes!

FYI- there’s an entire website dedicated to the PMU. Most of the historical and factual information quoted in this article are from this website! Click here to visit.

Purdue Memorial Union’s History

“In the early days of the 20th century, the https://www.purdue.eduPurdue University community began to see the need for a place where all campus life could gather and receive alumni and campus visitors.

George O. Hayes, a member of the Class of 1912, first proposed the idea of a student union at Purdue University. The student council endorsed the idea and the Class of 1912 established and contributed to a student union fund drive in lieu of a class gift. In previous years, each senior donated $5 toward the completion of the new Memorial Gymnasium. When the Memorial Gymnasium was completed, it was decided that senior donations would go towards a student union. A constitution was prepared and approved at a mass meeting of students and faculty on April 17, 1912. A financial campaign committee consisting of students, faculty, alumni, the University President and a trustee was formed. The fund continued to grow until the onset of World War I.

At the close of the war, Purdue University looked at the record of her sons and daughters in the service, and in many minds there arose the thought that the student union should stand as a permanent memorial to those 4,013 who had served and those 67 who had died for their country. With this idea, the name ‘Purdue Memorial Union‘ came into being…

Groundbreaking took place on June 13, 1922, with Virginia C. Meredith chairing the event. David E. Ross, as chairperson of the Building Committee, turned over the first spade of earth and general contractor A.E. Kemmer plowed the first furrow. The cornerstone was laid at Homecoming, November 25, 1922. In August of 1923, a crowd watched cranes put 25-ton sections of milled limestone in place to form arches over the main entrance of the building. Construction continued through the latter part of 1923 when funds were exhausted. The following year the Purdue Union Association formed as a separate financing corporation and secured a loan of $200,000. In order to support payment of the loan, each student paid a fee of $4 per semester.

The partially completed building opened on September 9, 1924. At that time, the University consisted of 323 faculty and staff and 3,234 students.”

Click here to continue to read more about the completion of the Purdue Memorial Union!

Purdue Memorial Union Current Amenities

Purdue Memorial Union Club Hotel

PMU hotel was an addition to the property after the initial build, and was completed in 1953. In 2018, the hotel was redone, giving it a brand new, contemorty design and touch. Complete with a little coffee shop (Leaps Coffee and Artisan Pastries), fine dining restaurant experience (8eleven Modern Bistro), and bar (Boiler Up Bar), this hotel is iconic and you have to stay here at least once in your Purdue lifetime! Click here for booking information and more!

Shopping and Entertainment

Take the famous underground tunnel from the parking garage into the bottom floor of the PMU for a little shopping experience! You’ll find a casual dining food court, small grocery store, coffee shops, and even a bowling alley (Rack and Roll) down there! Additionally, find an Amazon storefront and bank offices for more practical shopping needs. Here’s an official list of shops! Don’t miss out on this little hidden treasure.

Underground Library

Steps outside the south entrance of the PMU, you’ll find access to the Purdue underground student library! It’s a fun place to visit.

Purdue Memorial Union Hours of Operations

Hours of operations vary. Click here to see an official list of office hours, store hours, and overall hours.

For more information on events, day visits, and so much more, check out the official Purdue Memorial Union website.

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